Returns and Refunds

Not happy with the product? All Apollo Untold products come with a 30-day return policy and full refund*. Please note, the product must be undamaged and in it's original condition for this to apply. If the product is faulty as soon as it arrives, you can decide between a free replacement or a full refund, the product must be sent back* before doing so.

Please get in touch with the team at, including your order number, and a photo of the product. We will then ask you to return* the product and once received, will provide a full replacement or refund given that the above conditions are met.

*Please note, return costs are not covered, and this policy does not apply to lost, or stolen products. The above requirements have to be met in order to receive a full replacement or refund. Additionally, pieces having already been replaced by 30 day money back guarantee can not be returned or refunded.